Month: October 2024

The Magic of the Mind

How Magicians Unveil Human and Animal Cognition Imagine watching a magician pull off a seemingly impossible trick: a coin vanishes from their hand, only to reappear behind your ear. You’re… Read More

Next week in Science, October 4, 2024

I have nothing intelligent or interesting to say today, so I’ll just say some gibberish about the weather and bugs. I’ve noticed that there are three “seasons” of bugs around… Read More

Predicting Tomorrow’s Crimes

How Human Mobility is Changing the Game Imagine if we could foresee crime before it happens, allowing law enforcement to step in and prevent it. No, this isn’t science fiction…. Read More

AI in Education

An Invisible Threat? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept confined to sci-fi movies or high-tech labs. Today, it’s at the heart of our everyday lives, shaping industries… Read More