Author: Jon Scaccia

Predicting the Next Invasive Species

When you think of invasive species, you might picture vines choking out local plants or animals disrupting local ecosystems. But how do these invasive species make their way to new… Read More

Breaking the Generation Work Myth

Have you ever wondered if you’re less motivated to work than your parents or grandparents? Or maybe you’ve heard that millennials and Gen Z are lazier compared to older generations?… Read More

How AI is Revolutionizing Drug Discovery

In today’s fast-paced world, the hunt for new medicines is more critical than ever. Researchers are continually looking for ways to make the process quicker, cheaper, and more effective. Enter… Read More

Personality Disorders: A New Perspective

Imagine you’re at a social gathering. Among the crowd, you notice someone charming and talkative, easily making friends. Then, there’s another person standing quietly in the corner, avoiding eye contact… Read More

Next Week in Science, July 26, 2025

Ahhh, next week is vacation week. The trouble is supervising an army of small children is not what we would truly call “relaxing.” No worry, though. We’ll still be posting… Read More

The Social Media Work Revolution

If you think about how you spend your day, chances are you’re connected to social media. Whether it’s checking updates on Facebook, tweeting, or networking on LinkedIn, social media has… Read More