Category: biology

The Biggest Bug

The Astonishing World of Arthropleura Imagine stumbling upon a creature longer than a modern human, crawling through dense prehistoric forests. This was no ordinary bug—it was Arthropleura, the largest arthropod… Read More

You will not be 100

Imagine a future where people regularly live to be 120 or even 150. Wouldn’t that be something? For many years, scientists, futurists, and everyday people alike have pondered whether such… Read More

The Cost of Evolution

How Our Expanding Brains Made Us Vulnerable to Aging When you look at a chimpanzee, do you see yourself in its eyes? You should, because, evolutionarily speaking, we’re practically family…. Read More

Octopuses That Throw Objects

Imagine you’re swimming through the cool, calm waters off the coast of Australia, marveling at the diverse marine life. Suddenly, something catches your eye—a dark shape emerges from the seabed,… Read More