Author: Jon Scaccia

Next Week in Science, August 23, 2024

Here’s what we have on tap for next week. Seems pretty normal, right? Wait….music and coitus? Unlock Science Secrets: Discover revolutionary research and innovative discoveries with ‘This Week in Science’!… Read More

New Stuff Coming Soon…

Be on the lookout for some neat stuff…new resources, new apps, new benefits. All by staying connected with This Week in Science!


When you think of mental health, terms like depression, anxiety, or PTSD might come to mind. These are diagnoses many of us are familiar with, often based on what’s known… Read More

Venomless Spiders?

Imagine you’re a spider (if you’re a nut), perched delicately in your web, waiting for a meal to stumble into your silken trap. Now, picture yourself without one of the… Read More

The Aging Waves

How Molecular Waves Shape Our Lives Aging is inevitable—each wrinkle, each gray hair a testament to the years we’ve lived. But what if I told you that aging doesn’t just… Read More